Sunday 15 April 2012


Okay Jammerss, yesterday was a huge day for me! I got 6-month membership on AJ!!! I plan t ogive BACK to the Non-Mems, because when I was one, before I met my great friends, it was extremely hard to get colored stuff even if it was SELLING! So I want to make it easy for NM's to get stuff.
1) Get the of the original color item
2) Trade me for the colored thing

Okay, you may think that 3 is a bit much but when you recycle stuff, you get about a THIRD of your money back. Which is really bad.. So the only reason I want 3 is so that I don't lose money and then become unreachable because I'm playing best dressed too much. So ya. Just leave a comment of what time (blogger time) and meet me in my den. It probably won't be locked.
N.B This is for NON MEMBERS only. I can only get you stuff that's selling....

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Hey Jammers! Commenting has a few simple rules, NO, they're not moderated, but of course, you can't gp around around saying whatever you want.
NO cursing!
NO advertising your blog unless it's said in a kind way and not ONLY advertising it.