Sunday 15 April 2012


Who loves rares!? EVERYBODY! Especially me... anyways, I think I'll show you guys some AJ rares, and stuff like how much they're worth; on a scale of 0-100. some things will be immensely rare, some things may be so rare that I've never even heard of them, and other stuff could be just so lame that it gets a 0. O.K, so leeave your comments on what rares you'd like to know about and whatever. Jam on!


  1. I want to know about skullies!

    1. I don't know too much about skullies, but I do know that they were the first tail item to sell, in beta times. Unfortunately, they were removed from the game. When they sold, the cost 10 gems.

  2. Hey do you know about headdress? Are they rares or member gift?

    1. They are rares, but in my opinion, they're not actually THAT rare. But they aren't member gifts, though they're rather popular.

    2. They are rares, but in my opinion, they're not actually THAT rare. But they aren't member gifts, though they're rather popular.


Hey Jammers! Commenting has a few simple rules, NO, they're not moderated, but of course, you can't gp around around saying whatever you want.
NO cursing!
NO advertising your blog unless it's said in a kind way and not ONLY advertising it.