Saturday 21 April 2012

Special Events!

Hey Jammers! So one day i had this idea =/. And so now I want to tell it to you...
Mondays! : Meatball mondays! Everybody is brown and red! It's wacky , i know. P.S all this stuff is going on youtube...
Tuesdays! : Wolves Only party housed in the interior of my lavish volcano den!
 Wednesdays! : GUMMI WEDNESDAYS! Pandas galore! Choose one color and stick to that. No clothes or mixed colors.
Thursdays! : Water Thursdays! Get a water animal and chillax in my Lost Ruins den!
Fridays : Weekend Party in my Castle Den! This is the longest party. It goes all the way into Saturday!
Sunday : Nothing sorry :/ I'll be moody that I have to go to school.

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